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October 2023 Meeting

October 2023 Meeting

Shark Tooth Sports Car Club
OCTOBER 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes

STSCC attendees:
Wencil, Ron &amp; Linda
Love, Dave &amp; Janice
Mendes, Bill
Papson, Michael
Lytle, Dave
Parkinson, Carol &amp; Lupica, Tom
DiLella, Rick &amp; June
Umbreit, Judy
D’Angelo, Alex &amp; Renata
Iannone, Steve
Guest attendees: Speaker Trish Gorry from Southeastern Guide Dogs and
reporter Charmaine Tincher from Venice City Lifestyle Magazine

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by club vice president Dave Love
and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Post Meeting Dinner:

- Dinner following the meeting was held at the Daiquiri Deck in
downtown Venice.

Club Leadership: Presented by Dave Love
No changes to current Club leadership. Dave thanked Tom Lupica for stepping up
to fill the Treasurer position until January 2024 when Tom Rossi takes over. A
complete list of Club leadership is listed on the meeting PowerPoint slide.
Note: Due to technical difficulties the PowerPoint presentation was not available
for members to see during this meeting. However, the slides are available for
members on the Club Website.

Club Partners: Presented by Dave Love
- No change. Please see the Power Point presentation for a complete listing
of all current club sponsors.

Membership Director Report: Presented by Bill Mendes.
- The club is at 28 memberships, 65 members, and 42 cars.
- Welcome to new members (absent) Al &amp; Joann Royal, Skip Ackerman &amp;
Cindy Buckheit and Bill &amp; Michelle St. Clair.
- Club recruitment flyers are on the counter in the back of the meeting room
for anyone who would like to take some.
- Let Bill know if you want to order a name tag.
- Bill has static cling (actually removable/moveable adhesive) Club decals for
- Please see the Membership Director Report in the PowerPoint presentation
for full membership details.

Guest Speaker:
- Trish Gorry and Sophia (the ambassador dog) from Southeastern Guide
- A brief history of Southeastern Guide Dogs, serving the community since
 Dogs are provided to veterans and children and teens with vision loss, for
life, free of charge.

- There are opportunities to raise a puppy from 8 weeks to 17 months at
which time the puppies go to Southeastern Guide Dogs for training.
- The Benevolent committee members presented a donation check to Trish
for Southeastern Guide Dogs in the amount $500.00.
- Charmaine Tincher from Venice City Lifestyle Magazine took photos of the
presentation, for the magazine.

Secretary Report: Presented by Janice Love for Ed Cashman
- A motion to approve the September 13, 2023 minutes as posted on the
website was made by Rick Dilella and seconded by Tom Lupica. Motion
approved by voice vote.
 Please see the Secretary’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for

Benevolent Committee: Presented by Ron Wencil
- The Benevolent Committee has been working on the categories, timing and
schedule for the 2024 year.
- They are considering doing approvals quarterly instead of each month so as
to reduce the time taken at monthly meetings.
- A motion to approve a $500 donation to the Venice Police Blue Santa
program was made by Steve Ianonne and seconded by Judy Umbreit. The
motion was approved by voice vote.
- Dave Love asked the membership to consider bringing a toy to the
November meeting so that the toys could be presented to the Venice Police
Dept. along with the $500 donation.

Quartermaster Report: Quartermaster Margaret Barcelo was absent. There was
no Quartermaster report.

Treasurer Report: Presented by Tom Lupica. 
- The club’s financials are in good order.
- Please see the Treasurer’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for
financial details.
- Year to-date the Club has donated $5,000 ($4,000 to charities and $1,000
to scholarship).
- Some of the notable line items this month were:
o Income of $500 for 3 new members
o Refund of $800 from QuickBooks
- Tom reported that the Club is “good” for the $1500 remaining planned
charitable donations for the rest of the year (Oct., Nov., &amp; Dec.), and that
the Club will have $4200 carry over into 2024.

Social Events: Presented by Janice Love.
- Janice reviewed recent past club social and dinner events and listed
upcoming events. Please see the PowerPoint presentation for details.
- In order to reduce the number of emails going to members, only two emails
will go out on dinners and events - the first sign-up announcement for the
dinner/event and a second reminder closer to the dinner/event date with a
list of members signed up.
- Carol Parkinson asked if members should respond to dinner/event notices
with regrets. Discussion ensued. Members felt that regrets for dinners and
events just created more emails and were not necessary. It was decided
that sending regrets for dinners/events was not necessary unless regrets
were specifically requested. Janice said that emails sent from Ken Maher
often request regrets and members should read his emails carefully in case
regrets are requested. When sending regrets, members should not “reply
to all” and do not need to give a reason. A simple “We won’t be attending”
will suffice. Also, if a member signs up for a dinner or event and then needs
to cancel, they need to let the host know. Send the email to the host only
and do not “reply to all”.

Social Media: Presented by Dave Love
- Please see the PowerPoint presentation for information on how to follow
the club on Instagram and Facebook.

Vice President Report: Presented by Dave Love.
- A listing of regular monthly and recurring car gatherings can be found in the
PowerPoint presentation.
- See the PowerPoint presentation for further details on all of the above

President’s Report: Presented by Dave Love
- The Renn Haus tour is tomorrow (Thursday, October 12). Meet at
McDonalds at 7:30 to caravan. This tour will be repeated on November 30.
- Car auctions – These are very important to the Club because the money
paid to the Club for driving at the auctions goes directly to our Benevolent
o Carlisle Auto Auction, November 10 &amp; 11 Lakeland
o Premier Auto Auction, December 1 &amp; 2 Punta Gorda
- Ken will send out confirmations to drivers next week.
- Shirts for drivers will be given out at our next monthly Club meeting.
- Job descriptions are updated and on the Website.
- Dave asked members to review the Club by-laws and constitution (on the
Website) and send any suggestions for updates/changes to Ken.
- The proposed 2024 budget will be reviewed at the November 8 th meeting.
Get to Know a member: None 

Now You Know: Dave Love shared a quote from Carroll Shelby. “There is never
enough horsepower….just not enough traction.

Next Meeting: 
- The November meeting will be on Wednesday 11/8/2023 beginning at
5:30 PM.

- The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.

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