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November 2021 Meeting

November 2021 Meeting

Shark Tooth Sports Car Club
November 10 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Attendees: Ken and Kathy Maher, Ron and Linda Wencil, Mike and
Sandy Connors, Dave and Janice Love, Bobbe Lytle, Bill and Dawn Mendes, Bill
and Gayle Jereb, Rick and June DiLella, Rich Gruenberg and Judy Umbreit, Ed
Cashman, John Gilbert
Opening Remarks and President Report:  
 Ken Maher called the meeting to order. Bill Mendes introduced new
members Tom &amp; Geri Moore, Michael &amp; Christina Papson, and Alex
 2022 elections for Vice President and treasurer. Ken announced that Dave
Love and Bill Jereb will retain their positions of Vice President and treasurer
respectively. Their position will come up again for re-election in 2024
 Gary Spinazze sent an announcement to several media organizations
regarding our club. A couple of the organizations voiced interest in
attending one of our meetings
 When to wear club shirts? This is up to the event host and the where the
venue is that we are attending
 Photo shoot. Please send write ups regarding your car to Ken to be posted
on the web site

Special Presentation:  
 Ken was going to do a presentation regarding auto insurance. Due to
technical difficulties the presentation was postponed until next month
Administrative Matters:  
 Mike Connors asked for approval of the October meeting minutes. Bill
Jereb approved and Dave Love seconded the motion for approval 
 We currently have 20 memberships. Please let Bill Mendes know of any
changes to your membership
 Bill Mendes has business cards and dash cards for any member that wants
 The website is up and running. The financial and membership sections are
password protected. The club is also on Facebook and Instagram.
 Any event host should send pictures of the event to be posted to the
 Send Ken your birthday and anniversary information
 Donations via check should be made out to the Louis and Gloria Flanzer
Trust for a donation to the South County Food Pantry. The trust will in turn
double the donation to the food pantry. We will attempt to give a donation
each month
 Cash donations can be given to Ken at the monthly meetings for donations
to the trust and the South County Food Pantry
 Ken received a thank you letter from the South County Food Pantry
thanking the club for donations. As of this meeting we have donated
$870.00 to the South County Food Pantry
 Personal hygiene items can be given to Judy Umbreit to donate to the
Backpack Angels.
 We currently have $1767.00 in our bank account. $425.00 was paid to
Time Right for shirts

 Shirt orders can be expected to arrive in late November or early December
 Sandy checked with Tropical Punch regarding embroidery. They are willing
to do embroidery and can embroider any item for $5.00 to $7.00 with no
 Tropical Punch can get ball caps.
 If you have a hat or other item you want embroidered, bring it to the
January meeting and Sandy will deliver it to Tropical Punch
Social Events:
 The October event was October 29 th at Big Cat Habitat, chaired by Mark and
 The October monthly dinner was October 18 th at Connors Steak and
Seafood hosted by Mike and Sandy. There is no relation to the Connors and
the restaurant
 The November monthly dinner will be November 15 th at Dolce Italia in
Sarasota. Hosted by Gary and Sara Spinazze
 The Venice Police Department tour is November 18 at 3:00
 The November event is November 20th at Myakka River Tours will be
chaired by Rick and June
 The Venice Holiday Parade is on November 27 th . We currently have 5
members signed up to participate in the parade
 The December event is December 3 rd at Rev’s Institute chaired by Ken and
 The golf outing will be on January 14, 2022
Car Shows:
 Dave Love provided a list of local car shows
 11/21 – American Legion Cruise In at 10:00. Meet at Publix near the
Police station
 1/23 – Tampa Festival of Speed at the Vinoy Hotel. Will be more
than 250 cars in the show. Have to apply for admission. Cost is
$50.00. To watch the show is $20.00
 Monthly club dinners will be the 3 rd Monday of the month.
 November 15 th – Spinazze

 December 7 th – Maher ( Cassariano 313 W. Venice Ave.)
 January 17 – Wencil
 February 21 – Gilbert
 March 21 – Mendes
 April 18 – DiLello
 May 16 – Gruenberg
 June 20 – Sal &amp; Mark

Now You Know: 
 Bill Jereb provided information regarding how the SS Minnow from the
show Gilligan’s Island got its name. Newton Minnow called TV a
‘wasteland’. Sherwood Swartz, the producer of the Gilligan’s Island show
was very upset about Newton Minnow’s remark and named the boat after
Newton Minnow.
Know a member: 
 Bill and Gayle Jereb will present in January

Next Meeting: 

There will be no December meeting. The next meeting is January 12th

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© 2021 by Shark Tooth Sports Car Club.  Proudly created by Maverick MKG

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