May 2022 Meeting

Shark Tooth Sports Car Club May 11 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees: Ken and Kathy Maher, Alex and Renate D’Angelo, David and Bobbe Lytle, Gary and Sara Spinazze, Dave and Janice Love, Ed Cashman, Michael and Cristina Papson, Bill and Dawn Mendes, Bill and Gayle Jereb, Roger and Margo Maple, Mike and Sandy Connors
Guests: No guests were present at this meeting President Report:
Ken Maher called the meeting to order
Event hosts should send pictures of the event to be posted to the website
Ken asked the membership if there was interest in moving the meetings to
We have a new website. The URL is www.sharktoothsportscarclub.com
Please see the president report in the PowerPoint presentation for
upcoming events and charitable giving Guest Presenter:
The President of Sutherlin Automotive Group was not available and will be rescheduled
Secretary Report:
A motion was made to approve the April meeting minutes. Bill Jereb approved and Gary Spinazze seconded the motion for approval
Please see the secretary report in the PowerPoint presentation for details regarding the thank you note received from the South County Food Pantry for donations
Membership Director Report:
We currently have 24 memberships with a total of 48 members and 38 cars. Please let Bill Mendes know of any changes to your membership
Please see the membership director report in the PowerPoint presentation for membership details
Treasurer Report:
We currently have $3060.89 in the bank account.
Please see the treasurers report in the PowerPoint presentation for
financial details Quartermaster Report:
Please see the Quartermaster Report in the PowerPoint presentation for shirt and embroidery pricing
Dave Love presented T shirts with the ‘light logo’ on them Social Events:
Please see the social events report in the PowerPoint presentation for upcoming events
Vice President Report:
Our club is hosting a car show at the IslandWalk subdivision on May 14th
Please see the vice president report in the PowerPoint presentation for
complete details on car shows
Now You Know:
Gary Spinazze presented a few Now You Know items
Know a member:
Roger and Margo Maple will present at the June meeting
Next Meeting:
The next meeting is June 8th