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June 2023 Meeting

June 2023 Meeting

Shark Tooth Sports Car Club
JUNE 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes

STSCC attendees: Ken and Kathy Maher, Dave and Janice Love, Steve and
Darlene Bieglecki, Ed Cashman, Alex and Renate D’Angelo, Rick and June
Dilella, Rich Gruenberg and Judy Umbreit, Steve Iannone, David and Bobbe
Lytle, Phil and Denise Mannino, Roger and Margo Maple, Carol Parkinson and
Tom Lupica, Gary Spinazze, Ron and Linda Wencil, Gary Westfall and Margaret

The meeting was called to order at 5:34 PM by club president Ken Maher and
commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Post Meeting Dinner: Dinner following the meeting will be held at Dockside
Waterfront Grill.

Guest Speaker: Originally scheduled speaker, Michael Spinazze of Sutherlin
Automotive, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. He will be rescheduled
for a future meeting.

Club Leadership: Please see the Power Point presentation for a complete listing of
all the current members in both elected and appointed club positions. Entries in
red signify new individuals in those indicated positions.

Club Partners: No change. Please see the Power Point presentation for a
complete listing of all current club sponsors.

“Sharks On Vacation”: Rick and June Dilella submitted a photo from their trip to
Italy, wearing club shirts in front of the leaning Tower of Pisa.

Membership Director Report: Presented by Ken Maher.
 No new members have joined the club.
 Members are encouraged to recommend new individuals who might be
good prospective club members.
 The club would like to expand its current membership from 25 to 30.
 Any member interested in ordering a name tag for $11.00, please contact
Bill Mendes.
 The Audi marque is presently no longer represented in the club, as member
Alex Nodel recently sold his car.
 Please see the Membership Director Report in the PowerPoint presentation
for membership details.

Secretary Report: Presented by Ed Cashman.  
 A motion to approve the May 10, 2023 minutes as posted on the website
was made by Rick Dilella and seconded by Kathy Maher. The minutes were
adopted as submitted.
 Please see the Secretary’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for

Quartermaster Report: Presented by Margaret Barcelo.

 All shirts and other orders are up to date and completed.
 Currently the lead time for new shirt orders is two weeks.
 Please see the Quartermaster’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for
shirt and embroidery pricing.

Treasurer Report: Presented by Tom Lupica. 
 The club’s $1,000.00 scholarship check has presently not been cashed.
 The club is awaiting two $500.00 checks.
 Please see the Treasurer’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for
financial details.

Social Events: Presented by Janice Love.
 Recent past events were highlighted including the May 23 rd Dolphin
Watching excursion hosted by the Penningtons and Jerebs, and the June
7th Sarasota Classic Car Museum tour hosted by Ron and Linda Wencil.
 Linda Wencil noted the recent news that the Sarasota Classic Car Museum
has unfortunately lost its lease and will apparently have to move all the
 The July 1 st event will be a tour of the St. Pete pier followed by lunch at Doc
Ford’s Rum Bar and Grill.
 Ken Maher noted that twelve couples (6 from STSCC and 6 from
TargetMasters) will participate in the club’s upcoming Viking Danube river
cruise. Club members are reminded to please bring their club shirts.
 The June 19 th dinner being hosted by Phil and Denise Mannino, which was
scheduled to be held at Allegro Bistro, had to be changed as Allegro will be
closed for vacation. The new venue will be Brine Seafood and Raw Bar in
 Please see the Social Events report in the PowerPoint presentation for
additional information and future scheduled events.

Social Media: Presented by Ken Maher.
 A reminder, hosts need to take photos at the events and club gatherings
and submit them to Jen for inclusion on the web site.
 Please see the PowerPoint presentation for information on how to follow
the club on Instagram and Facebook.

Vice President Report: Presented by Dave Love.
 As the hot and humid weather is moving in, most major and organized or
sponsored car shows are done for the current season.
 Some of the regular monthly and recurring car gatherings will continue and
are listed in the PowerPoint presentation.
 There will be a Father’s Day car show at New Day Christian Church in Port
Charlotte on Saturday, June 17 th . Registration is $5.00 per car.
 A reminder that sign up sheets for any upcoming car shows are always
available at every meeting. These sign up sheets are not show registrations,
but only to indicate which club members are planning to attend a particular
 If signing up to attend a car show, please consider volunteering to be club
captain for that show.
 The Island Walk Veterans Car Show held on May 29 was a great success all
around. Phil Mannino expressed thanks to all the volunteers and everyone
who participated.
 Ken Maher presented the Veterans’ Association plaque which he had
received at the show to Phil Mannino in recognition of all his efforts with
the show.
President’s Report: Presented by Ken Maher. 
 The next quarterly club leadership team meeting will be held on June 29 th .
 The July 1 st edition of Shark Bites is completed and available to be read on
the web site. The club expressed its appreciation to Steve Bieglecki for the
outstanding job he does in editing and publishing Shark Bites.

 It was requested that all members please submit any photos, stories, “Now
You Know” information, etc. to Steve Bieglecki for inclusion in future issues
of Shark Bites.
 Rudy Diaz of Lamborghini Sarasota is scheduled to be the speaker at the
July club meeting.
 Ken reviewed the club’s web site and how to navigate the various headers
to maximize enjoyment and utility of the site.
 If any member has any suggestions on how to improve the web site, please
let Ken Maher know your ideas.
 The club’s participation in the Premier Collector Car Auction on June 9 th and
10 th was highlighted.
 Please review the President’s report in the Power Point presentation for
additional details.

Benevolent Committee: Presented by Ron Wencil. 
 A thank you letter from the South County Food Pantry for the club’s
$500.00 donation was read.
 A motion to donate $500.00 to the Venice Police Department for the
month of June was made by Dave Love, seconded by Janice Love and
unanimously approved.
 Ron recommended that July’s planned donation be shared, $250.00 each,
to South County Food Bank and the Venice Leadership Class of 2023, which
is raising funds to construct a flagpole and sitting area at Heritage Park to
honor first responders.
 A motion to donate $250.00 to South County Food Bank for the month of
July was made by Garry Spinazze, seconded by Phil Mannino and passed by
unanimous consent.
 A motion to donate $250.00 to Venice Leadership Class of 2023 for
construction of the Heritage Park memorial was made by Steve Iannone,
seconded by June Dilella and passed with unanimous consent.
 A motion to donate $500.00 to the Venice Theater rebuilding effort for the
month of August was made by Rick Dilella, seconded by Judy Umbreit and
passed with unanimous consent.
 A motion to donate $500.00 to the Southwest Florida Honor Flight program
for the month of September was made by Tom Lupica, seconded by Kathy
Maher and passed with unanimous consent.

 It was recommended that all future thank you notes and letters be placed
directly on the web site for all to view.
 Please see the Benevolent Committee’s Power Point presentation for
additional details.

Get to Know a member: 
 Dave and Janice Love, who hail from New Mexico, each shared interesting
details on how they met, their three children, and their careers over the
years. Janice told of how they both learned to ride unicycles when they met
and became accomplished performers, including Janice riding the unicycle
on a high wire. They performed at numerous events and various venues for
several years before deciding to pursue more “traditional” career paths.

Now You Know: 
 Rick Dilella provided a brief history of GM’s “COPO” or Central Office
Production Order, an interesting effort by GM during the “muscle car” wars
of the ‘60s and ‘70s, to address the efforts of primarily Ford and Mopar
special engines. It allowed for certain special engine build orders from what
came to be known as Super Car dealerships. Today, surviving examples of
these rare “COPO” builds can fetch a sizable fortune. As per example,
Barret-Jackson recently reported a sale of a 1969 “COPO” ZL-1 Camaro for
over $1 million.

Next Meeting: 
 The July meeting will be on Wednesday 7/12 beginning at 5:30 PM.

 The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 PM.

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© 2021 by Shark Tooth Sports Car Club.  Proudly created by Maverick MKG

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