July 2022 Meeting
Shark Tooth Sports Car Club
July 13 Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Attendees: Ken and Kathy Maher, Bill and Gayle Jereb, Dave and Janice Love, Mike and Sandy Connors, Bill Mendes, Alex D’Angelo, Tom and Carol Rossi, Ed Cashman, Rich Gruenberg and Judy Umbreit, John Gilbert, Roger and Margo Maple, Phil and Denise Mannino
Guests: No guests were present at this meeting
President Report:
- Ken Maher called the meeting to order
- Event hosts should send pictures of the event to be posted to the website
- The website URL is www.sharktoothsportscarclub.com
- We will not have a guest speaker until more members can be present at the meeting
- There will be a photo shoot and picnic in the fall
- Please see the president report in the PowerPoint presentation for upcoming events and charitable giving
Guest Presenter:
No guest presenter at this meeting
Secretary Report:
- A motion was made to approve the June minutes. Bill Jereb approved, and Kathy Maher seconded the motion
Please see the secretary report in the PowerPoint presentation for details
Membership Director Report:
- We currently have 25 memberships with a total of 50 members and 39 cars. Please let Bill Mendes know of any changes to your membership
Please see the membership director report in the PowerPoint presentation for membership details
Treasurer Report:
- We currently have $3406.73 in the bank account.
Please see the treasurers report in the PowerPoint presentation for financial details
Quartermaster Report:
- All new shirt orders will be available by the end of the week
Please see the Quartermaster Report in the PowerPoint presentation for shirt and embroidery pricing
Social Events:
- August 6 – August 13, 2023 there will be a Viking Cruise on the Danube River. Please see Ken’s email and the PowerPoint for details
Please see the social events report in the PowerPoint presentation for upcoming events
Vice President Report:
- There will be a Cars and Coffee show on August 7th in North Port from 8:00 – 10:00 and on August 13th at the UTC Mall
Please see the vice president report in the PowerPoint presentation for complete details on car shows
Now You Know:
Know a member:
- Roger and Margo Maple. They met at Drake University in Iowa. They have been married for 54 years. Roger spent 2 years in the military. After his discharge Roger and Margo toured Europe for 2 months. Roger was a hospital pharmacist for 7 years. He then bought a pharmacy in 1979. Roger and Margo have a 2000 Corvette.
Gary and Margaret will present at the next meeting
Next Meeting:
The next meeting is August 10th
The September meeting will be moved to the 13th. The city of Venice needs the meeting room during our normal time slot