January 2023 Meeting

Shark Tooth Sports Car Club
January 11 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees: Ken and Kathy Maher, Dave and Janice Love, Bill Jereb, Mike and Sandy Connors, Phil and Denise Mannino, Tom Lupica and Carol Parkinson, Rich Gruenberg and Judy Umbreit, Bill and Dawn Mendes, Rick and June DiLella, Ron and Linda Wencil, Tom and Carol Rossi, Gary Westfall, Ed Cashman, Dave and Bobbe Lytle, Rodney and Linda Pennington, Steve Iannone, Alex D’Angelo
Guest Presenter: Mauricio Sanchez, the General Manager of Suncoast Porsche spoke about the direction and future of Porsche.
President Report:
Ken Maher called the meeting to order
Event hosts should send pictures of the event to be posted to the website
The website URL is www.sharktoothsportscarclub.com
Club sponsorships have been set. Gold level will be $1000.00, silver $500.00 and bronze $250.00
Guest speakers have been scheduled for January through March
2/8 Ideal Classic cars
3/8 Lamborghini of Sarasota
A tour of the Venice Police Department will be scheduled in February
Ron and Linda Wencil are the Benevolent Committee chairs
Cool Today Park monthly car show opportunity. We are waiting to hear back from the Braves regarding the club hosting shows at the stadium.
The 2023 club website password is club1
There was a motion to approve a change to the club’s liability policy for members hosting events. The policy will now read as follows:
Shark Tooth Sports Car Club members who agree to plan, organize and/or lead a club event do so as a volunteer who freely takes part in the event without payment or compensation
See the PowerPoint presentation for details
Vice President Report:
Please see the vice president report in the PowerPoint presentation for complete details on car shows
Membership Director Report:
We currently have 24 memberships with a total of 48 members and 38 cars.
Please let Bill Mendes know of any changes to your membership
Bill is researching name tags for club members
Please see the membership director report in the PowerPoint presentation for membership details
Secretary Report:
A motion was made to approve the November minutes. Judy Umbreit approved, and Bill Jereb seconded the motion
Please see the secretary report in the PowerPoint presentation for details
Treasurer Report:
We currently have $5,079.78 in the bank account.
Please see the treasurers report in the PowerPoint presentation for financial details
Quartermaster Report:
White shirts are backordered.
Club T shirts are on sale for $20.00. $15.00 for the shirt and $5.00 will be a donation to the Benevolent Fund.
Embroidery is 6.42 for any item a member wishes to have embroidered
Please see the Quartermaster Report in the PowerPoint presentation for shirt and embroidery pricing
Social Events:
BBQ and tour of Sage Automotive on 1/28
Carlisle Auto Auction in Lakeland on 2/10 and 2/11. The club receives a check for $750.00 for providing drivers
Please see the social events report in the PowerPoint presentation for all upcoming events
Now You Know:
Ken reported that Apple Airtags are sometimes being used for shady purposes. For example, car thieves are tracking cars they wish to steal with them. Also, stalkers are putting them in coats and purses to track a person
Know a member:
Rodney and Linda Pennington will present in February.
Steve and Michelle Iannone will present in March
Next Meeting:
The January meeting will be on Wednesday 2/8