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Article I: Name

  • Section 1: Shark Tooth Sports Car Club, Inc. is a not for profit organization registered and incorporated in the State of Florida.

Article II: Purpose

  • Section 1: To promote and provide a forum for the good fellowship among sports car owners. All cars that are taken to a Club event, must be duly registered and insured in conformity with state statute.

  • Section 2: To provide technical and non-technical information on all phases of ownership, maintenance and restoration through meetings, shows, events, award programs.

  • Section 3: To maintain a high degree of knowledge of sports cars through meetings, events, and award programs in the Club.

  • Section 4: To maintain the highest standards of courtesy and respect among and by members and to exhibit safe and responsible driving whenever participating in a Club event or representing the Club.

  • Section 5: To arrange for social outings that are educational, fun and/or of interest that foster friendships among the membership.

  • Section 6: To support charitable causes that benefit the less fortunate such as the hungry, the homeless, the disabled, veterans, first responders and young folks looking to pursue a career in the automotive field through the funding of scholarships.

Article III: Membership

  • Section 1: Membership is open to any person who owns a sports car.

  • Section 2: In the event a member sells or otherwise disposes of his/her only sports car, he/she shall have a grace period of the longer of six (6) months from the date of sale or until the end of the calendar year, to replace it with another sports car in order to remain a member of Shark Tooth Sports Car Club.

  • Section 3: Members shall be of legal driving age.

  • Section 4: Membership includes spouse or significant other.

Article IV: Club Policies

  • Section 1: Only dues paying members, their spouses/significant others, guests, and immediate families shall be invited to Club social and closed events.

  • Section 2: Exceptions to above must be approved by the Executive Board (see By-Laws Article I, Section 5).

  • Section 3: A calendar of Club events shall be formulated by the Executive Board by the April general meeting.

  • Section 4: Any subsequent Club event must be approved by the Vice President, who will coordinate dates so as not to conflict with future events on the calendar.

  • Section 5: Being a non-profit organization, no moneys shall be redistributed to Club members. In the event the Club disbands, all remaining funds shall be distributed to charitable organization. Except for vacancies, all five (5) officer members of the Executive Board shall be present to vote on this matter, By-Laws Article I, Section 5, notwithstanding.

  • Section 6: On all matters requiring a vote by the members, each membership as defined in Article III, Section 4 shall have one vote.

  • Section 7: All Club expenditures and disbursements must have approval as follows:

    a). The Executive Board will approve Club expenditures. Expenditures will be made for major Club events as required based on event budgets. Examples of major Club events are the Venice car show and the Club Holiday Party. There will also be Club events where the Club incurs no costs but where fees are collected and expenses paid by the Club like the golf outing. An annual budget will be prepared for the revenues and expenditures anticipated for the year.

    b). The Executive Board at its next meeting will review any motions from the floor at a general meeting regarding expenditures. The decision will be announced to the Club at the next Club meeting.

  • Section 9: The core Club color is white. The Club logo is to be used only on Club apparel and Board approved items. The Club’s primary white shirt is to be worn to all Club meetings. Members will also be offered the opportunity to purchase shirts in other colors. The non-white shirts, which must bear the Club logo, can be worn to car shows or any meeting or event in which permission is granted to do so by the meeting/event organizer.

Article V: Election of Officers

  • Section 1: The officers of this Club are:

    a). President b). Vice President c). Secretary d). Treasurer e). Membership Director

The Executive Board shall be comprised of these officers and the immediate Past President.

  • Section 2: The nominating committee shall consist of the Executive Board. This committee shall ask members who wish to be nominated to so advise a committee member, and shall present a ballot of candidates at the regular October meeting. Each membership can be represented by no more than one member on the Executive Board. Any member who asks to be nominated shall appear on the ballot. Nominations, including self-nominations, will also be allowed from the floor. The nominating committee will ask the individuals selected if they accept the positions to which they have been nominated. Voting will take place in writing or via email to the Secretary or someone appointed by the committee, by October 20th with results announced at the November meeting. Election will be based on a majority of the members voting. The new officers shall take office at the January meeting. The term of elected officers shall be two (2) years.

  • Section 3: The President and Vice President is a two (2) year term.

  • Section 4: Officers shall be eligible for re-election but shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

  • Section 5: The immediate Past President shall be a member of the Executive Board in a non-voting advisory capacity until a new President is elected and the outgoing President will then assume the role of immediate Past President. The immediate Past President shall cast the tie breaking vote should that situation present itself on any vote of the Executive Board.

  • Section 6: When an elected position is vacated, the position shall be filled by an appointment of the Executive Board. The appointee will complete the term of the vacated position. A person appointed to the vacant office of Vice President may run for President, but shall not automatically become President.

  • Section 7: Except for President and Vice President, anyone filling a vacated office for less than three (3) months may be elected to the same position for the following two (2) terms.

  • Section 8: Resignation by an officer shall be in writing to the Executive Board.

  • Section 9: In the event of a resignation of an elected officer or in the event an elected position is term limited and there are no candidates that desire to run for the position, the incoming President shall have the authority to appoint an “Acting” Board position. This “Acting” person shall have all the responsibilities of an elected person filling the position in question including a Board vote.

Article VI: Amendments

  • Section 1: Any member may propose an amendment to this Constitution. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Executive Board, not later than the regular general meeting in September, which will appoint a Constitution Review Committee to evaluate such proposed amendment(s). Any amendments to this Constitution approved by the Constitution Committee shall be presented to the members for their review and consideration, in writing by email or hard copy, not later than the regular general meeting in October. Members appointed to the Constitution Review Committee will be members other than those submitting proposed changes. Amendments shall be approved by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership. Votes on amendments shall be cast at the same time as for the election of officers, in writing to the Secretary, or by e-mail.

January 4, 2021 – Prepared and Presented

January 26, 2021 – Amended

February 10, 2021 - Approved

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© 2021 by Shark Tooth Sports Car Club.  Proudly created by Maverick MKG

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