January 2024 Meeting

STSCC attendees: Skip Ackerman and Cindy Buckheit, Ron and Mary Bimonte,
Ed Cashman, Frank Gambino, Rich Gruenberg, Steve Iannone, Dave and Janice
Love, Bobbe Lytle, Ken and Kathy Maher, Carol Parkison and Tom Lupica, Tom
Rossi, Al and Joanne Royal, Michelle and Bill St. Clair, Jeff Wachman, Ron and
Linda Wencil, Gary Westfall and Margaret Barcelo.
Guest attendee: Steve Ledbetter.
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 PM by club president Ken Maher and
commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Post Meeting Dinner:
Dinner following the meeting will be held at T.J. Carney’s, Venice.
Club Leadership: Presented by Ken Maher.
Bill Mendes informed the club that he is stepping down from his
Membership Director position and will not be a club member in 2024.
Please see the Power Point presentation for a complete listing of all the
current members in both elected and appointed club positions.
Club Partners: Presented by Ken Maher.
Club sponsorships remain the same at this time.
The point of contact for the club’s Bronze sponsor, O’Reilly Auto Parts has
changed to Gregg Hoffner.
Please see the Power Point presentation for a complete listing of and
details on all current sponsors.
Membership Director Report: Presented by Ken Maher.
Tonight’s guest speaker is Steve Ledbetter.
New members Jeff and Linda Wachman were welcomed.
Currently the club has 24 memberships, totaling 48 members and 37 sports
Any changes in membership information should now be reported directly
to President Ken Maher.
To order any name tags, please contact the club’s quartermaster, Margaret
Please see the Membership Director Report in the PowerPoint presentation
for membership details and primary car companies represented in the club.
Guest Speaker Presentation: Steven Ledbetter, Esq.
Steve related his recent experience in purchasing a car from Carvana for
the first time.
He explained how past experiences with car dealerships had not always
been easy or gone smoothly. However, he found that his dealings with
Carvana were easy, pleasant, and totally transparent.
He was able to acquire the car he wanted and knew exactly what the total
“out the door” price would be.
The car was delivered to him on a flatbed transporter. It was fully detailed
and came with a seven day inspection period with a free return guarantee.
Purchase of a car can not be done with a credit card. It is accomplished
through a third party Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment.
Carvana also offers insurance and financing services on purchases for those
who may be interested.
Ken Maher presented Steve with a thank you gift of an insulated STSCC
stainless steel beverage tumbler.
Secretary Report: Presented by Ed Cashman.
Bobbe Lytle made a motion to approve the December 13, 2023 meeting
minutes, seconded by Bill St. Clair, and approved by voice vote.
Treasurer Report: Presented by Tom Rossi.
The club’s end of year financial status is sound.
A brief review of the club’s end of year Profit and Loss Statement for both
Benevolent and Operations, as well as the Balance Sheet was provided.
Please see the Treasurer’s Report in the PowerPoint presentation for full
financial details.
Social Events: Presented by Janice Love.
The December holiday party at the Venice Yacht Club was highlighted. Any
member that has not attended a past holiday party is encouraged to plan
on attending the next, as they are always an enjoyable holiday event.
Upcoming events and dinners highlighted included: the James Museum of
Western and Wildlife Art, Marina Jack’s sunset cruise, dinners at Osteria
500 Waterside Place, Sarasota, Libee’s in Englewood, and the Columbia
Restaurant at St. Armands Circle. Please see the PowerPoint presentation
for details.
Garry Westfall requested to know if members would be interested in
participating in a “fun” car rally that he offered to put together as a club
event. The cost would be $25.00 per car, with $5.00 of that fee going to the
club’s benevolent fund. He received a positive response and agreed to have
it ready for the club’s March event.
Please see the PowerPoint presentation for dates of and assignments for
upcoming events and dinners through June 2024.
Social Media: Presented by Ken Maher.
Club related information can be followed on Instagram and Facebook.
A reminder that social events and dinner sponsors are responsible for
taking pictures of members attending their event and submit them for use
on the club website and social media outlets.
Vice President Report: Presented by Dave Love.
Car shows in the local area have become less frequent since the pandemic.
However more informal “Cars & Coffee” type gatherings have proliferated.
Therefore, it is proposed that each month, starting in February, one C&C
will be selected with the intent of getting as many club members as
possible to participate in the event. Members are encouraged to suggest
C&C events to Dave Love that they would like to have selected.
The selected C&C event for February is the Wellen Park gathering on
Saturday February 3 rd .
Al Royal informed the club that Lemon Bay High School will be holding a car
show as a fund raiser for the high school band on Saturday, February 3 rd
from 9 AM – 2 PM.
There will now be a table set up in the back at all club meetings that will
have various information and club related materials available for members.
Please see the PowerPoint presentation for a listing of on-going car events
and upcoming car shows.
President’s Report: Presented by Ken Maher.
Ken informed the club that the Carlisle Car Auction scheduled for March 1 st
and 2 nd at Lakeland, FL has been cancelled. It is slated to return in February,
2025. Additionally, it is presently doubtful that the Carlisle Car Auction in
Lakeland, FL for the fall of 2024 will be conducted. These changes will have
an impact on the club’s annual benevolent fund donations.
A selection of photos of members taken at the 2023 Carlisle and Premier
car auctions is available in the PowerPoint presentation.
The Shark Bites club newsletter for the 1 st quarter of 2024 is posted on the
club web site for all to read. Appreciation was expressed to editor Steve
Bieglecki for all his work.
The new club members’ password for 2024 is: “BeSafe”.
The next club Photo Shoot and Pizza Picnic is scheduled for February 21 st , at
5 PM, weather permitting, at the Venice Boat Launch location.
Ken and Kathy Maher will be hosting the 3rd Annual Reserve Car Show and
Hoagiefest on Saturday, March 9 th .
The Vanity Tag contest announced at the December club meeting will start
soon, with the winner to be announced at the February club meeting. The
prize will be a bottle of wine.
Benevolent Committee: Presented by Ron Wencil.
A thank you letter was received from the Venice Challenge Baseball Field of
Dreams for the club’s $500.00 donation.
Presently, the committee has approval for 10 planned monthly donations,
with the addition of 2 more, should funding allow.
Monthly donations will continue to be $500.00.
The committee will continue to search for matching gift opportunities that
will help to maximize the club’s donations.
Club approval for proposed donations will be accomplished quarterly rather
than monthly.
It is recommended that the club continue awarding an annual $1,000.00
scholarship to a Venice High School senior that will be attending either the
Sarasota VoTech shool, taking automotive studies, or a college taking
automative engineering.
This month’s approved $500.00 donation is made to the Backpack Angles.
Judy Umbreit will deliver the check.
The full list of proposed charities for 2024 can be found on the PowerPoint
Get to Know a Member: Michelle and Bill St. Clair
Avid car enthusiasts and proud owners of a bright yellow 1974 Corvette,
Michelle and Bill actually met and started their life together in Kodiak,
Alaska. She was a school teacher and school principal there, while he was
the fire chief at the US Coast Guard Air Station. Their favorite things to do
and many memories primarily revolve around cars.
Now You Know: Janice Love.
Janice shared information on an essential accessory that no car enthusiast
who enjoys dining in their vehicle should ever be without. The
“Saucemoto” in car sauce holder for ketchup and dipping sauces. It
conveniently attaches to the air vents of most all cars, even Corvettes and
Porches. As Saucemoto itself states...“Say bye bye to ketchup-less fries”.
Next Meeting:
The February meeting is scheduled for “Valentines Day” Wednesday 14
February, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 PM.